Posted 4/8/2015 3:16 PM (GMT -5)
Just wanted to check in. I'm doing great, but unsure of how to see what's working and what to do next.
i haven't posted much since visiting my llmd. She's quite good, but expensive at 450 per appt! Does anyone else have this issue? I love in SoCal, so there aren't too many options over here. Most are quite a drive and FAR more expensive ($6-800).
I decided to try buhner's protocol after my llmd gave me the ok. Problem is I haven't tested for anything, so I don't know what I have. I'm doing his lyme, Bart, and babesia treatments so far so good.
I work around 25-30 hours a week as a server at a restaurant, am 22, have been infected since November, and have been on buhner for a month. My energy levels are great after I take a couple hours to wake up (yikes), but they go down again when it gets close to bedtime. I'm not in any pain, don't have brain issues, and hope to stay that way!
I am religious with detox, rest, and supplements. I take hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salt, ACV baths daily, drink tons of lemon water, and herbal teas and I dry brush once daily. I am gluten/refined sugar/dairy/mostly soy free.
I exercise a couple times per week, but am very busy with work at the moment, so can't do much more. I am vit d deficient, so I supplement that, take milk thistle, magnesium, vit b 12.
At times I eat eggs, but not very often and they give me no problems.
I mostly eat grilled chicken, green protein shakes with cacao nibs, flax and chia seed, natural no sugar PB, half a banana and unsweet almond milk, gluten free bread (trying to wean myself off bread completely, but I love it), green leafy salads, carrots, nuts and green apples for snacks.
I also have 86% cacao dark chocolate a few times a week, and very rarely eat a scoop of tuna salad from my work (I work in a restaurant, so it's tough being around food all day).
Only symptoms I seem to have besides poor circulation (swelling, pins and needles, being cold) and fatigue in morning/night are with my bladder/kidneys. Although I've had these tested and urine/blood work was perfect, I still have dark, bubbly urine in the morning, frequent Uti symptoms that resolve usually in a few days, and sometimes incontinence.
Is it common to have these symptoms even after getting repeated bloodwork and urinalysis that indicates perfect function?
Also, I feel good now, but is it likely that even with herbal treatment I may get worse?
And I have a few questions regarding probiotics. How many should I take and which ones do you recommend? Same goes for vitamin C.
Anything I could be missing or should investigate would be appreciated! :)