Posted 4/9/2015 8:43 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Sydney,
I believe I've had Lyme for 15+ years or so and recently was re-infected or infected with a new strain through a spider bite. I have been going through pretty severe life challenges for the last few years and this hit me and hard. Looking back, I can see all the pieces of the puzzle lining up. Times that I would crash but I assumed it was life stress, working too hard, too many things going on and I needed more rest, etc. I ended up in the ER with a food allergy reaction to something I've been eating all my life, episodes of passing out for no reason that they could never diagnose, travelling pains in my hips and knees, etc. Looking back, I realize I've been fighting Lyme for a long time. Most of the last 15 years I was a completely normal active and busy person working full time, volunteering, hiking and camping, etc. There were just those little 2-5 day lags where I would need to shut down and recoup my energy and then I was off to the races again. I do believe this is an opportunistic disease and it hits when you are stressed, not taking proper care of yourself, recovering from other illnesss, etc. I wonder if others out there have gone undiagnosed for years and years and eventually come to this point in the "war" that the Lyme attempts to consume you, which is where I am right now. In my mind, this is the biggest battle I will face with Lyme, even though it's been lurking in the shadows for so long. A combo of life events and breakdown in health over the last few years have given Lyme the opportunity to really give me a hard time!
I wish you the very best in your battle. I hope you are able to find a LLMD that will be able to properly diagnose and treat you.
Take care!