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Maybe things will start to improve?
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Lyme Disease
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Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2014
Posts : 147
Posted 4/28/2015 4:56 PM (GMT -5)
Maybe things will start to get better? I noticed the other day that the rash on my arms and chest is getting better and the streaking rash on my abdomen is getting better (I think both rashes are caused by Bartonella). My blood is also really thick (I first noticed this while trying to donate blood before I got a diagnosis, my blood came out very slowly and they couldn't finish). I also never bruise, but I run in to things pretty much everyday, probably because of the thick blood. Also, getting blood work is a nightmare, which is partly because of genetics (my mom has small veins), but might also be because of the thick blood. Anyways, the point of all of this is that the last few times I got blood work, they didn't struggle, and I bruised in two different places! So, maybe my blood is getting back to normal? These things are so small and minor compared to my other symptoms, but I am hoping that other symptoms will start to improve. Maybe the teasel root extract is working! And hopefully the Bartonella test comes back positive so that my LLMD can try to get me covered (by insurance) for a PICC line. What do you guys think?
Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2014
Posts : 213
Posted 4/28/2015 5:08 PM (GMT -5)
Fingers crossed here.
If you are treating, things will start to get better....
You also have to keep in mind that these bactera have a cycle. You here people that were not treating getting better and then Bam!
But you are under a LLMD, so you are def. getting better.
Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2014
Posts : 147
Posted 4/28/2015 5:12 PM (GMT -5)
We are at a bit of a standstill right now, because my stomach is so sensitive will oral antibiotics and insurance won't pay for IV antibiotics without a positive test, but I definitely think the teasel root extract is helping, at snail speed (or slower), but at least it is doing something. Unfortunately, my LLMD said that if this test result is negative he doesn't know what else to do so I have to go somewhere else. I am trying not to think about
that part at the moment!
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/29/2015 6:16 AM (GMT -5)
Great to hear you are making progress!
Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2014
Posts : 349
Posted 4/30/2015 6:45 AM (GMT -5)
This is awesome, glad to hear! Every little bit of improvement is so encouraging.
Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2015
Posts : 75
Posted 4/30/2015 7:08 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, Twin,
You'll be in my thoughts...I do hope things improve for you! If you don't mind, I've got one very specific doctor also diagnosed me with bartonella based largely on my streaky "rashes," but unlike most people's, most of mine are white/flesh colored, not red or pink. I always thought they were stretch marks, even though stretch marks are largely inexplicable given their
locations and my body type (not overweight). So I'm wondering (and hoping, to be honest) if any of your streaky rashes are white/skin toned/not red? Also, do they ever itch or burn? Mine are sometimes only slightly sensitive, and sometimes they torture me with itching and burning that can't be resolved with lotions, etc. I'm expecting a no, but even though my marks itch and burn and don't "make sense" as stretch marks, I've conditioned myself to believe that's what they are and there's no hope of getting rid of I'm hoping against hope.
Please keep us updated, and good luck!
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