Hello everyone.
I stumbled upon this forum whilst freaking out and searching everything I could on the internet about
Lyme. Now, let me tell you my story...
three days ago, I woke up (way too early) by the incessant itching I felt on three different spots on my body (left forearm, mid left thigh and lower left torso). I felt no pain and nothing seemed off at the time, since I'm usually getting bitten by mosquitos all the time so it didn't seem uncommon.
However, after a few hours, the symptoms of these bites seemed different. They swelled up more than the usual mosquito bites, developed tiny blisters on their centers (I'm assuming the actual bite points) and were still extremely itchy.
What I immediately did (perhaps stupidly) was to put tape on it, since only that stops the itch. And it did actually work. The next day the bites persisted and I applied fucicort lipid cream on them, since it was given to me for a centipede bite, so I thought it'd work on those too, whatever they were. Mind you, I found no tick afterwards, only managed to kill a mosquito that, judging from the blood, had eaten a proper meal, so I left it at that.
Still though, the cream did absolutely nothing. On the contrary, it seemed to make the darn things... angrier! Let me note that I burst the little blisters on two of them and they did subside a bit, but the on on my arm was the worst and kept on going strong, swollen and red.
So, by early afternoon of day two, I noticed the usual bullseye pattern forming, only on the bite on my arm. I kinda dismissed it and went for a drink, but on the third day the bullseye was pretty clearly formed. So, first thing I did was ride over to the pharmacy and get some amoxil (500mg amoxicillin tablets) and have already started (took two by now, one every eight hours).
Now, to the point (finally); why am I asking if this is truly Lyme.
I never found a tick.
I'm a little doubtful about
contracting it from a mosquito or a spider, I'd probably feel the pain, even in my sleep.
My girlfriend who sleeps with me didn't get bitten, although bugs do prefer me over any other person in a group.
I have not had ANY signs of the other symptoms.
I live in Greece and Lyme is extremely rare over here.
Now, I do fear Lyme and I believe rightly so, and I am aware that the bullseye rash is pretty much solely associated with LD, AND, I suspect that a tick might've found its way to me from a stray we saved a month ago that did have some that walked around the house, but she was treated and we sought and destroyed every single one we found weeks ago, with no other signs of them ever since.
Also, I live in a relatively small city, on a first floor apartment and I don't frequent forests or any other flora.
Another note. I have NOT been to a doctor since I can't afford it after having lost my job (and therefore my insurance, too) and even worse, I truly do not trust local doctors and hospitals enough and my fear of a misdiagnosed LD is greater than whatever drawbacks a preventative course of abx would have on me.
I do however have an appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow, although I'm not keen on stopping the abx whatever her diagnosis, especially considering the bullseye rash seems to have subsided significantly after the first pill.
I do apologise for the lengthy read but I wanted to give you every detail, so you can help me, perhaps, with this... predicament I find myself in.
I also have a few pictures, so let me post these too, perhaps they will be of help.
So, these are of the first "phase", when the bullseye had not yet manifested.
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEThis one was on the second day, when I was still a little doutbful about
VIEW IMAGEAnd these were on the third day, when it became much clearer... (also, right after applying fucicort again, notice the extra... anger!)
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEMany, many thanks in advance!