SailorKim said...
Jasman without hope we have nothing when facing such a devasting disease. Do I have ALS, I don't know. They say I do, they say it cannot be lyme, yet I have been bit by ticks and I have lab work that points to lyme so I am treating and praying that my LLMD is right and the neuro is wrong. I do know it's been 9 months since they suspected and 6 months since I was diagnosed and I still retain all of my abilities. I think the meds I have been given by my llmd have made improvements or at the very least kept the devil diease at bay. Time will tell but I am not ready to give up, this is my last hope. God bless you and your wife, I will pray for her and that her treatments work. I am here if your wife ever wants to talk, a kindred soul of sorts.
God bless
Seeing how their tests are inaccurate at best, I wouldn't believe anyone could definitely say it is not Lyme.
Good health is interlocking circles of:
No matter what disease someone has, these 3 components affect that condition. Improve the microbiome through food choices and supplementation/herbs, improve the environment by decreasing exposure to aluminum (no Al antiperspirants), no flu shots, don't cook in Al pans on high heat, rule out mold as a contributing factor (it is more common than we think), increase depleted nutrients, and get a genetic test done so you can bypass the mutated genes and cut down on oxidative stress. This approach can work for just about
every condition, not just Lyme or ALS.
Where people go wrong in this approach is not getting the microbiome where it needs to be. Eating a regular American diet is counter productive to a microbiome conducive to good health. A proper microbiome allows us to absorb the nutrients we need that have been lost due to over expression or malabsorption.