Posted 5/28/2015 11:08 AM (GMT -5)
One of my most constant and troubling symptoms is loose stool. Since last July, 85-90% of my stools are loose (not diarrhea, just loose). Probiotics don't seem to help much if at all.
My LLMD (who I don't see until mid-June) has not expressed much concern about this, but I'm increasingly thinking that it may be the origin of much of my problems, especially if it leads to nutrient malabsorption or is being caused by parasites or even a non-Lyme bacteria.
I had a stool test done a few months ago, and it showed overgrowth of klebsiella and citrobacter (parasite test was negative). However, I wonder if they are just opportunistic and not really the source.
So my questions are:
1. Does babesia (which I have) cause loose stools, or could it perhaps be some other parasite? I couldn't find much on this on the web, so I doubt the connection is strong.
2. Has anyone had loose stools and been treated for parasites? I've read that they can sometimes be the cause and are an opportunistic pathogen associated with Lyme.
3. Does anyone know of gut specialists that do phone or skype consults?
Thanks in advance!