Posted 5/30/2015 7:08 PM (GMT -5)
Yes, for someone that doesn't herx much or hard, any increase in symptoms or new symptoms - even "milder" ones, can be a sign of a herx.
Symptoms often seem to 'cycle' with Lyme though, so your vertigo may or may not be a herx.
Well, I'm no expert, but I have had my fair share of herxes!!!
Technically, a herx in any increase in symptoms or new symptoms that occur because of increased die off of bacteria. Lyme throws in a few curves though, since cycling of symptoms can be common. The best thing you can do is to keep a symptom log and keep looking back at it. It wont' take long before you will see patterns forming and will be able to say, "Hey! I was herxing then!"
And remember, herxing isn't required for healing to occur!! Herxing only means that your body can't get rid of the toxins fast enough is all. Many of us have compromised detoxing pathways, so it's easy for us to trigger a herx. I used to have to work really hard at detoxing in order to keep the herxing down to a minimum.