Thanks so, so much for your reply bellyful. It does help to know that other people are experiencing similar things, although obviously I'm sorry that any of us are going through this. The spelling thing also scares me - normally I am a great speller, but sometimes, when I'm playing scrabble games online for example, I transpose the letters - simple ones like a CH or something, I will put down as HC. Once it's down, I realise my mistake, but how could I think that it was right before?? Other times, I kind of forget a word. For example, someone had played the word AIT. I hadn't heard this word before, and then I remember thinking, oh, well I guess it's just the spelling of the number 8, like you can have VEE for the full word version of the letter V. Completely forgetting that the full word version of the number 8 is, in fact, EIGHT!! A word I've obviously seen a million times before, but there was just this kind of confused, mixed up feeling in my brain. It really scared me :-(. It really is reassuring to know that this happens to other people too :-/. Do you think this can be improve, or preferably go away completely, with treatment? I really just want my old head back - fed up with this one now.
Thanks for the advice & info on oil pulling - will definitely try that.
Sarah, thanks for looking out for me again . . . I will try with the pinella ;-)
Celeste, thanks for the info about
pinella and oil pulling, I must get on with that. Great to know you're in the UK!
. I kind of assumed you were in the US . . . so we're not as far apart as I'd thought! Makes me feel strangely less alone to know there are some UK lymies about
. . . yes, we may yet get to have that cuppa! ;-) xx