Thank you for the suggestion. It's a great idea, and the blog is very helpful. I didn't realize that cycles could have such disparity . . . felt so good I wanted to think I was over it. Silly me. Due to the necessity to work, I get so exhausted that it's a challenge to keep up with time of day, much less tracking, but I will design something to make it feasible. Thanks so much!
Yup, it's been pretty bad. And I know others have it much worse than I.
My thinking is, if I'm upright, able to totter about
--without stooping as if I'm 200 years old, not aching in every joint, sharp pains in nerves, leg muscles being stabbed and not collapsing, tremors causing me to drop things, not having my balance spin out in vertigo or tilt like a teeter totter from one side to the other, muscles aching, joints in a realm beyond aching, can think beyond the next second and remember what I did or thought of 30 seconds later, don't have to spend most of the day on the floor unable to get up, can keep food or water down and not lose it immediately, on and on ad nauseum, blah blah blah, I feel like I'm having a fairly good day!
I guess I have a pretty high pain thresh-hold, and continue pushing to work my retail job, out of the terror of not being able to support myself and my three four-legged kids (they help me keep my sanity). And, lol, I was an educator for almost 30 years. That in itself makes anyone resilient!
I appreciate your responses. Thank you so very much. <3 I am looking for help, not pity or sympathy. The people I know think I'm making all this up. I'm an independent cuss, have no emotional or other kind of support system, and have been going this alone for so long. My physician doesn't believe in Lyme. Due to my job I have a very difficult time making appointments for anything, much less finding and visiting an LLMD. It's hard for me to ask for any kind of help, including posting on this forum. But I've realized that if I don't, I could die, and I have three four-legged kids who depend on me (just lost one Sunday night). I think they are what drive me to hope.