Posted 6/19/2015 3:27 PM (GMT -5)
Hello All,
I recently had a relapse in treatment. For 5 months I was steadily improving after a year and a half of no progress. At some points I felt I was 90-95% (no brain fog and many other symptoms dissapear). Then all the sudden about a month ago my very first symptoms started to appear while on minocycline and rifampin (mostly anxiety related issues, nuero symptoms, low energy). My doctor took me off rifampin and minocycline to start bicllin injections. I was on rifampin/doxy for 6.5 months, minocyline 2 months.
My doctor believes that since I beat bartonella, now the lyme is coming out and symptoms are showing up. Is this common? Has anyone heard such a thing?
Thank you. May we find peace someday.