Posted 6/29/2015 8:44 AM (GMT -5)
With a high chance of repeating myself quite a bit, I say many of these things.
The thing with you guys, and the others who've managed to heal from Lyme, both chronic and otherwise, to some degree or another, and continue to strive for more healing, is a combination of, YES, the things you guys love so much - hope, faith, optimism, perserverance, but also LUCK, fortune.
The fortune to be able to afford various methods of treatment, antibiotics, supplements, both pharmaceutical and herbal, and the luck that some of that stuff worked enough to give you a piece of health back.
We don't all got that. Fortune, or luck.
Now, before I go on, keep in mind, I don't mean to say that any of you are rich or anything. I'm sure it was a struggle to have to empty your pockets month after month, trying to take care of yourselves, your loved ones, or maybe even both, whole families. I'm sure some had to keep up with full-time jobs, all the while.
So, no, I'm not saying any of you are these millionaires or anything, that the money came and went easy.
Much the same, I'm also not saying that you're these incredibly lucky people either. Again, we find ourselves in the unluckiest of positions, when it comes to Lyme and coinfections, all the troubles that they bring.
This stuff is a horror movie come to life. But, hey, maybe you'll be one of the characters that live 'til the credits roll?
So, yeah, kind of like I mentioned before, you guys had enough, have enough, at least to get somewhere, and to keep going.
We don't all got that. Enough.
I weighed my available options, and chased nearly each and every one of them, to no avail. So, what now? "You can heal." "You will heal."
When? How?
Do you know that for certain? No. Again, that's hope talking, nothing definitive.
Speaking of that, telling me to hope in the face of hopelessness, true, justified hopelessness, or telling me that such and such has healed, well, those things don't really do much for me, my life in particular. Those things don't change the brutal reality of my situation, or situations similar. I'm not getting better, and I have next to no way to make that a possibility.
Though, again, before I go on, that's not to say I don't appreciate you, what you guys are offering me. I don't mean to offend. Truly, it's great, hearing that healing is a possibility.. for some. That's a beautiful thing. I'm happy for you guys. I'm happy that some people can manage, have managed, to get some fragment of their lives back, the ability to live life, without all the bullcrap trying to smother them out every second of every day. I'm happy that getting in touch with who they are at their core, beneath all the sicknesses, is possible.. for some.
I hope that news will be enough to keep some people going long enough to find out whether or not they're one of those with the fortune, the luck to do so as well.
I hope that news will save some lives, where it couldn't save mine.
I listened to hope, I listened to optimism. I had faith. I told myself, in 2015, I'm a believer. I tried. I did.
But, I'm not one of those people, and I don't think that I ever will be. I don't think you guys will be sitting here, a year or two from now, saying, well, Antonio healed, so there's a chance you can too.
I've placed my chips, played my hands, and lost, time and time again. 6 months of time, energy, money spent, and it's gotten me nothing, nowhere. Thing is, that has been an occurrence since before I even got sick with this stuff. I've been losing, all my life. Sure, in many ways, it's been my fault, I'm solely to blame, and I accept that. But, still, that doesn't change the fact that I'm a loser. I don't win. I try, but the result's the same.
I busted. I'm broke, in more ways than just financially.
I'm at the bottom of the pit, guys. From here, climbing out's looking to take a miracle. Seriously.
So, yeah. But, as I said, I'm going to try. I've got a couple few months left in me. I'm going to get a job, try not to die, work myself closer to the grave, and be able to afford a few more options. I don't think I'll be able to get much help from an LLMD, considering it could cost into the hundreds just to visit with them, let alone pay for medications, supplements. But, antibiotics are something that I'd like to try.
Herbals would be better, as, that way, I could afford much more. But, you know, I mentioned how well those have been working for me thus far before, so I don't think I can trust those anymore. I can't really trust anything, but.. yeah.
So, if that doesn't work, I don't think y'all will be seeing much of me around in 2016. In 2015, I'm a believer, isn't that right, Antonio? Well, I'm going to try and allow for those words to remain true. But, we'll see. If nothing comes of it, apart from that I live to DIE (suffer) another day, I'm out of here.
A gun, some hard liquor, or even street drugs, now THAT, those things are definite solutions to my problems. That route's not for everybody, no. In some cases, maybe they're right, to some extent, as far as suicides go. But, you know, who can say for certain? Regardless of how one might gauge whatever problems arose that drove those people to commit such acts, often times, we don't have that person's perspective on the world or their place in it. We don't know the weight of those problems. In this case, you guys do, but, I'm speaking on behalf of all those people who are so quick to call somebody weak, upon taking their own life. Screw those sorts of people. That's what I meant by being done letting people guilt me into living like this. If they really knew, they'd want me to be find a way to be at some measure of peace, at all costs.
So, yeah, like I said, blind belief, hope without foundation, I can't be cool with that. I won't. I've lived for hope long enough. I've held on long enough. I've let people guilt me into waking up day after day into this broken life of mine for far too many years now, to be in the same, ever worsening predicament. No more.
Why, why keep going? One of you told me to find a reason. Well, much like those far off dreams of mine, all the reasons I can muster are so beyond my reach that they don't even matter. They don't help me. That's just cement over the casket. You, you got your kid, family. I can understand living for that. Me, my family's good without me. I'm not even a real part of the hierarchy anymore. We don't connect, bond. I don't know them, and they don't know me, at least not as the person I am know - they know me as Antonio, but he's gone. There is no changing that.
Every relationship I've got has been crippled beyond repair. I've lost everybody.
I got no reasons.
I hate being that kid, sick for only 7 years, compared to what you guys have been through. I mean, I'm in pretty bad shape, but could be a whole lot worse. But, I think that's a large part of the reason why I'm going to give up, if things don't work out for me over the course of the next few months.. I don't want to be one of those people talking about how they've been sick for decades, and still aren't where they need to be in life. I can't tolerate that. To me, it'd be so suffocating, knowing how much time's been lost, knowing that I miss my shot at living life to my choosing, that I was under the oppression of some sickness or other all my life, and I'm gonna die unfulfilled. I can't do that.
I know that just killing myself and not actually living to that point to find out whether or not that will be the case for me is sort of a waste of life in its own right, but, at least then I won't.. know. I won't be conscious. I won't be here to feel that overwhelming, all-consuming weight on my chest, strangling the my heart, my soul.
Sure, the way things are looking, considering the world doesn't fall apart, global warming, WW3, whatever, there's a very real chance that good changes are gonna come regarding Lyme /co and the approach the healthcare system takes in response to them. I mean, in some ways, those changes are already happening. But, when is that gonna directly affect MY life, YOUR lives? 5, 10 years from now? When? First, they gotta admit that they've been wrong all along. That's gonna be a toughy. Then, they gotta start doing all the research, new tests, treatments, a cure. Then, they gotta test the tests, test the medicines. Then, they start going through the motions of putting that stuff out there.
That's gonna take forever. I'll be a vegetable by then. I'm gonna be one of those people in the wheelchairs like on Under Our Skin. Screw that.
But, hey.. if things go how I'm thinking they're gonna go for me, you guys can tell me how it all played out for you, when buzzer goes off and the game's over, alright?
Yeah, Girlie, fighting for my life, and this stuff is kicking the living piss out of me, just pounding my poor skull in. It's obscene, really. Totally unnecessary, Lyme disease. You could just kill me, you know? Don't you ever get tired of, you know, being such an unbearably infectious sack of ****? Go away.
Thanks for the compliment, IHL. Shame I hate everything that comes out of me, these days. This is nothing, pain, sickness. It's ugly, which sucks, 'cause I used to have a lot of fun with this, these things, words.
I don't mean to oversell myself, but I would have done a lot with 'um too. More than just made a paycheck. I wanted to create.
Real sad, the life that could have been, right? The lives that could have been. No room for much intelligence, creativity, heart, soul, not in our line of work, is there? Nope, nope.
Anyway.. again, sorry for the repetition. That's life for us though, huh? Lost in the cycles of sickness. Ill souls til the end, for many, it would seem.
Sorry about your friend. Too bad he couldn't tap into that musical well of passion of his and give the world something to delight upon, you know? Too bad he couldn't feed your passion either, eh? Sorry.
Real sorry, for everything.
Thanks much, everybody. Good people. If only all the hope and positivity could cure my ails, y'all would have me covered.
Dunno what my future holds.. *shrugs*
Anyway.. cya..
Hope your days go better than mine. If not, darn disgrace how low life can put us, huh? Wanna just sit and stare at the top longingly together, like a couple of kids the movie attendants won't let into that R-rated movie everybody's raving about? I bet it's so good up there, man. They're all having a great time, whether they know it or not.
I'd kill for some normal people pains, some normal struggles. I'd happily shed my old tears, fear my old fears, or sport my old scars with pride. That stuff was living, being alive. This.. I don't know what this is, to be honest. No words really hold a candle to it, at least none I got. Think we can get Stephen King on it, man? The people need to know: what is Lyme disease.
Bye now.