modern said...
I've been to numerous rheumatologists trying to find an answer as to why I'm having the symptoms that I am, and none of them came up with the same diagnosis. I've heard everything from fibromyalgia to sjogren's syndrome with various prescriptions, massage, PT and nothing helps long term.
My father believes that my symptoms could be due to lyme disease, but when I brought it up to a doctor once he said no way, because it's been so long since I lived up there (I grew up in Indiana and moved to another state over 20 years ago).
Here are some questions:
A) can symptoms be present so long after being bitten? I remember when I did live in Indiana, we would go on hikes and be outdoors all of the time and I often found ticks attached to me. I never noticed a rash because I was younger and didn't know about rashes back then, and the ticks often attached in weird areas that were not visually accessible like on my scalp buried in my hair, or right behind my ear.
B) my most aggravating symptom is chronic pain that will lessen from time to time, but at some level it's felt to some degree every day, 24 hours a day for the past 6 years. It's maddening and nothing help alleviate it. Can lyme cause ongoing pain like this?
C) If it 'could' be lyme, what type of doctor do you start with...infectious disease, family doctor, other?
Thank you very much for reading. I just don't know if pursuing lyme as an option would be a waste of my time, but since I've spent so much time and money dealing with rheumatologists, I figure that I should see if there is anything else that I can do.
Late stage lyme, usually includes neurological, heart, and joint issue.
if have arthiritis, that is not autoimmune related, like RA, lupus or sogrens.
furthermore, you would also cardiac issues, because it damages the heart.
neurological conditions, include PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY.
cognitive dysfunctions, are brain fog, inability to concenctrate, inability to comprehend words, or think clearly, you would also have some balance issues as well.
You could have some metabolic disorder as well, vitamin deficiences are also possible, you can check for those first.