Posted 6/26/2015 10:30 PM (GMT -5)
Hi ,
I have not been on for a long time been going through so much. When I left I was ready to die and still feel that way sometimes . Can't afford LLMD and the closest one is about a six hour drive each wan=y and can't manage that anyway. I know how everyone feels about ID doctors but I at least have a very good one who is really trying everything they can to help. They took a lot of tests including mold panel and mold allergy full allergy panel ( allergies to Dust mites dogs and cats only, no food or gluten allergies or celiac problems ) Checked for MTHFR and I have Positive for one single A1298C and taking Methyl b12 and methyl folate, Still being treated For yeast infection And found compounding Pharmacy to get Powdered Nystatin ( costs 100 dollars a bottle ) Low d so am on prescription D ,tried some other abx but still not tolerating them past two weeks. tested for Mycoplasma came up positive. been taking herbals for bart and babs but had to stop babs CSA is 40 dollars a bottle and with all other stuff can not afford it at the moment took about 3 0r 4 bottles and seem to stop night sweats but, now starting to get small bouts of sweats again, so probably will need to get more as soon as I can.
Still drinking lemon water ,detox teas, green tea, Doing one or two foot baths a day, some dry brushing, activated charcoal, Chorella, and yucca root, for detox. doctor has me on loranzapam 2x aday but wants me on Buprpion for depression but I am afraid to take because have had bad experience with many times before.
Taking Zantac and Pantanase spray for allergies and digestive enzymes and Licorice for digestion.
A lot of stress at the moment, Daughter's car hit by some lady on her phone and their insurane is refusing to pay because it is my daughters word against hers and not enough proof for payout even though our insurance checked damage and is completely sure their is no way the damage could have been made unless my daughter was the one hit . can't afford to fix damage on own 750 deductible and can't afford that.
Dog has been very ill and afraid of losing him, he is 9 and my baby . on top of the 5 or 6 hundred dollars a month for dr. and meds., and many house repairs we can't afford. the stress is unbearable.
Still having a hard time ,anxiety and panic attacks and depression along with muscle and joint pain. Hoping for some kind of improvement soon, very tired.