I’m new here and I need some support, please.
I suffer from chronic infections – Lyme, chlamydia pneumonia, Candida and viruses – and want to start an antibiotic combination therapy, but I’m overwhelmed from all the programs and would like to know with which antibiotic I should to start best.
I’m chronic ill since 20 years, 15 years unemployed. The downward spiral started some weeks after I had my amalgam fillings removed as a measure to stay healthy. Many years no one knew what was going on, no diagnosis. Somewhere along the line finally diagnosed having CFS, but, in my view, more out of quandary.
Since a long time I suspected infections, but because tests had not been unequivocal and doctors did not take clinical signs and symptoms in account, I was neither diagnosed nor treated adequately.
Finally, I was prescribed two times 400mg of azithromycin each time for 6 weeks for Chla pneu. It did nothing.
In 2007 I decided to do the Marshall Protocol and managed to get the prescript
ions for the low dose antibiotics (Minocyclin 100 mg, Zithromax 125mg pulsed, Clindamycin 150mg and Olmesartan). The doctor had no experience with chronic infections but allowed it as therapeutic trial. After three years I stopped because besides improvement with digestion I had no other improvement.
I don’t know if I had herx reactions. The protocol felt very exhausting and weakening all the time, many days I was barely able to climb stairs.
Bb WB IgG p41
LTT B. OspC SI 5.3 (<2)
LTT B. afzelii SI 3.2 (<2)
LTT B. sensu strictu SI 2.9
HHV6 Antigen positiv
HHV IgG negativ
activated immune system
Bb WB IgG p41 u. p39
Bb WB IgM p41
LTT B. OspC SI 1.3 (<2)
LTT B. afzelii SI 1.4 (<2)
LTT B. garinii SI 1.6
LTT B. sen. strictu SI 1.0
LTT v1sE-AG SI 1.73 (<2)
Chla pneu IgA 112 (<50)
Chla pneu IgM 112 (<50)
Chla pneu IgG 244 (< 100)
HHV6 IgG 1:80 (<1:20)
HHV6 IgM positiv
Chla pneu. IgA EIA 10.7 BU/ml ( neg. < 10, pos. > 17)
Chla pneu. IgG EIA 16.3 BU/ml ( neg. < 10, pos. > 17)
LTT CMV SI 15,5 +
LTT Variz. zoster SI 10,7 +
LTT Chla pneu. SI 10,4 +
LTT Streptok. SI 1,1
LTT HSV 1 SI 31,1 +
LTT Candida SI 1,5
LTT Aspeg. fumig. SI 1,2
LTT Methyl-Hg SI 1,3
LTT Nickel SI 1,5
LTT Gluten SI 1,0
LTT Tetaoxoid SI 1,0
Candida albicans ++
Spirochetes +
Streptokokken +
Aspergillus niger +
Since this last darkfield result, this one doctor diagnosed me having chronic Lyme; but he has no experience with the treatment of chronic infections.
During the many years I always worked on my improvement but success was small or no success at all. I did several protocols for heavy metal removal – no improvement. I improved my nutrition, I worked a long time on my digestion, on my thyroid, my adrenals … The idea was always to unburden my immune system, which was activated.
I have Polymorphisms with detox enzymes.
I have immunoglobulin A below the RR,
and immunoglobulin total IgG low in the RR, with IgG1 and IgG 3 below the RR.
In 2013 an autoimmune reaction showed up on the lab: ANA titer was very high but no other specific markers. The rheumatologist thinks of an unspecific mixed-connective tissue disease; no treatment.
My main symptoms are:
very profound exhaustion all the time, all the years
severe fatigue
severe lack of impetus/impulsion
need 12 hours sleep
mental restrictions (understanding, memory, finding words ect.)
I have sort of lost feelings – I no longer perceive the delight of simple things.
Serious problems with temperature regulation: hot and cold weather is absolutely detrimental, I collapsed several l times.
Each night I feel extremely hot without sweating. The heat comes one time per night or 6 times, lasting 10 minutes or an hour. It doesn’t feel like hot flashes but as if I am a glowing oven.
very low tolerance of any stimuli
hormonal problems
eyes vision difficulties
bad perfusion (blood flow)
SIBO and leaky gut
since 2013 when ANA titer was high: skin changes: butterfly erythema, some vitiligo, discoloration of fingers and legs – I think it is ACA
one swollen lymph node
no swollen joints
no fevers
I read that people take 2 or 3 antibiotics combined with enzymes for biofilms and a nitroimidazole product for cysts.
I want to target Chla pneu as well as the Borrelia (and maybe others like mycoplasma)
The rheumatologist would prescribe Plaquenil as therapeutic trial, as it is the only approved medication for mixed-connective tissue disease, though he does not yet regard it necessary. Sadly, he is unaware of chronic infections and is not interested either.
Dr. Horowitz (in his book) suggests e.g. the following combinations for chronic multi infections:
Plaquenil – doxycycline – rifampin – nystatin
Plaquenil – doxycycline – Zithromax – nystatin
Plaquenil – doxycycline – Levaquin – nystatin
Plaquenil – Zithromax – Septra – nystatin
Plaquenil – Zithromax – rifampin – nystatin
The Wheldon protocol for Chla pneu would be:
NAC, Doxycylin 2 times/day, one week later azithromycin pulsed, one week later metronidazole.
I managed to find a doctor in my town, who will prescribe the antibiotics and will do the necessary blood control, but he has no experience treating chronic infections. This would mean, the whole work and gathering information lies on my shoulders. The situation is difficult and for the first time I feel overwhelmed and near giving up. All this permanent reading – I’m near losing hope.
In November I have an appointment with a knowledgeable doctor, far distance.
It would be of great if you could support my decision making, where to start and in which time frame to implement the medication, while I continue reading.
Thanks in advance.
Post Edited (MinuMinu) : 6/29/2015 5:32:42 AM (GMT-6)