Posted 7/1/2015 3:43 PM (GMT -5)
Yes-the majority of Chronic Lyme peeps had/have Lyme undiagnosed FOR YEARS...
In the 90's I was 1st diagnosed as JUST having allergies that caused my migraines. I had immunotherapy(shots) twice, each taking a full year. Took nasal sprays that caused sinusitis.
Also in the late 90's was told my stomach pain was G.E.R.D and that I'd be on Nexium/prolosec for life...I ended up w/a severe magnesium deficiency using those for years!
In 2004 I was diagnosed w/benign positioning vertigo. Still suffered w/migraines, stomach pain, and allergies, and heart Palps.
2007 after getting an acute respiratory infection was told it was JUST asthma later on. I asked for Mycoplasma testing but was told no. Still on prilosec for tummy pain and mass quantities of ibuprofen for migraines. This is the 1st yr I noticed weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, stiffness. But I was told, "Oh you're just stressed"!
2010-my MD said, "Well your thyroid is a little low, let's put you on levothyroxine" still on Advil for migraines, prilosec, still allergies/asthma, STILL complained about stomach pain, and still had heart Palps! I Asked my MD, "But what's actually CAUSING these things". She referred me to her ND, who discovered MAJOR food intolerance so she just focused on healing me through diet, but I STILL had stomach pain of two different types and episodic. Also discovered during this year a severe vit. D deficiency. The diet change 'seemed' to help(only some) stomach pain, allergies, headaches, and even heart Palps BUT...
2012 went to E.R. for severe upper ab pain-had the gall bladder removed. It was an outpatient surgery, went home 30 mins after 'walking up', but went back to E.R that night w/chest pain & racing heart!!! But NO heart problems were found!
My migraines and mood issues seemed to lessen once fixing the Vit. D issue, but STILL all the same symptoms.
Finally, after my sister who was diagnosed with Lyme in '08', was constantly 'bugging' me to see an LLND that she found in my area-
I FINALLY went and got diagnosed June 2014, of Lyme and co-infections including viruses!
Been on treatment for a year and am doing better, although I still have some muscle pain, arthritis, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, balance issues, heart Palps(but is caused by herx), and migraines. Although, its highly likely muscle pain & fatigue is due to detoxing from heavy metals. Oh my so-called, "asthma" is gone-that's good!!!
And I must be doing better if I was able to sit long enough to type this LONG testimony-LOL!