As overwhelming as it all sounds, you don't really have a choice - at least not if you want to continue to be able to really live your life. What I was diminished to was not a life, but fighting for survival, simply because I was untreated for too many years.
You need to hear my story: and I am only one of many, many people that didn't have the infections treated in a timely manner. Things never get better with Lyme and company, except for maybe short spurts - but then the symptoms come rushing back in and continue to get worse - year, after year, after year...... I missed out on many, many things in life - including the birth of 2 of my grandsons (
) simply because I knew that if I tried to make the 2 hour trip down and back in one day, I'd be bed ridden for a week.
Now, however, I actually
have a life! Although I am healing from severe adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues, I can run and play with my grandsons, and not be bed ridden when the newest grandson (4 months) is up all night when they come to visit! I'm now the first one up in the mornings and get to even watch the grandson's for a bit while everyone else gets some extra rest!! It's a real special time for me and those boys. I'm so glad that I don't have to miss out on that stuff any more.