Yep, DarcyDano, I had this for a good month!!! Then a herx from h***.
In that initial honeymoon so many scary crazy symptoms went away, like the incredibly nauseating vertigo, inability to walk without holding on to the wall or a friend, having no strength to walk up stairs, searching for the right word, forgetting how to use my cell phone....
But I still had headaches, general nausea, excessive fatigue during this period. It just seemed to me like I was doing so great because I finally could get off my couch and walk around like a normal person!
Because those super scary symptoms did not come back while on treatment, I do believe that it was the abx hitting the infection pretty quickly. Not everyone is so lucky as we--they don't feel improvements for months sometimes...
And yes, I agree with you: it would be awesome if the rest of treatment would go as smoothly as the beginning went for me. A girl can dream...