Posted 7/16/2015 6:53 PM (GMT -5)
I've been sick for 14 months, pretty much sidelined from life. Initial sudden onset was nausea followed by intense vomiting one night, then extreme chronic fatigue and severe often debilitating daily headache thereafter. After 8 months of chasing a diagnosis and finally getting some degree of headache relief, new symptoms began to emerge, including migrating muscle/joint pain and stiffness and worse neurological symptoms.
Two LLMDs believe I have MSIDS or Lyme and co-infections based on clinical presentation. I began the Cowden Support program 73 days ago. My function level these days is about 30-40% of normal.
At NO time have I had any antibiotics. My current LLMD (out of town) has prescribed a protocol of 4 antibiotics, but she seems to advise me to stick with Cowden for now.
I just had another migraine that thank god improved with imitrex. I want my life back!! I'm thinking abx are worth a try! BUT I'm afraid to start abx now since my family is going out of town for nearly 2 weeks (trip of a lifetime that I cannot take), leaving me home without help if I go downhill.
Thx for any thoughts