Posted 7/21/2015 9:06 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for all your ideas.
Let me just address them all.
First the reason why I asked about coconut is i'm definitely allergic (or sensitive) to dairy (protein), egg and soy. Definitely.
There are probably more things, but those I know for a fact. My body very violently rejects dairy and eggs exactly 2 hours later. Soy is a bit faster but not as bothersome. I really like ice cream and I tried to convince myself for a long time that it was something other than the ice cream. No dice.
The eggs were the worst because they were my go to protein. I started an elimination diet and the doctor warned me that after taking a food out if my body was sensitive to it, I would have a much stronger reaction once I reintroduced it. Four days in I ran out of everything, with the only food in the house eggs. I hardboiled them and ate the whites. Mount Vesuvius. The doctor said I had the eggs the worst way. Most people can tolerate the little bits in other things, but concentrated is the worst. He also said egg is one of the worst. My husband's nephew had the allergy as a baby/toddler and I can remember thinking she was neurotic, not any more.
Soy comes in when I have had chinese food and once a salad dressing that had soy sauce. It is less uncomfortable, but nothing I eat at that time ever stays in my body.
It's likely that I'm sensitive to wheat (or gluten) and some nuts, just based on how I feel when I eat anything like containing those.
So No Dairy. No yogurt.
No Eggs. No Soy.
I hate banana, I'm not much of a fruit or vegetable eater.
I definitely don't like even the smell of coconut.
I eat practically nothing. Thus my reason for asking people's experiences with Food allergy blood testing. I'm just looking for something I can eat.
I know people think if you are hungry enough, you'll eat anything and unfortunately it's not true. A young woman made a post a few days ago asking about how she could gain weight even though even the thought of food made her sick. I totally get that. I've been there. Forcing yourself to eat some thing is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My son is the same way and I can tell you that he will go without unless it is something he likes. As a matter of fact, in Boy Scouts at resident camp the only thing he ate for a week was scrambled eggs. They were powdered. None of the adults could understand how he was eating them, but he did. He ate nothing else except for icees the entire week.
I've had almond milk and it was good as chocolate milk, but I'm not really fond of the taste of milk anyway. I'm not sure if i could drink it white. Ice cream tastes different.
Therefore my interest in coconut. More desperation than anything.
Eventually, I'll probably try goat's milk ice cream/butter and duck eggs. Goat's milk is available, but I'd have to make the ice cream my self. The eggs are a little harder but they are available if I'm willing to travel a bit. Neither is likely to happen in the very near future. I did however, buy some coconut milk ice cream after posting this when I went to get some milk thistle to start things off.
Now I just have to get up the courage to try it. LOL
Thanks all,