Posted 7/31/2015 12:43 AM (GMT -5)
I finally got into a LLMD today. It was interesting, to say the least. He is a naturopathic doctor that also has a regular degree, but one of the only in the state that knows how to treat with Ozone + Vitamin C IV. He says while antibiotics have their place, he doesnt like to follow the ILADS method of 3x ABX for a month because of the damage it can cause you, and rather does the IV of the above mentioned things.
Online there are resources that says vitamin C and ozone can kill lyme amongst pretty much every other pathogen and virus / bacteria (co infections included), but there is also information saying ozone is very harmful to your body (though I doubt he'd be doing this if that were the case)
He gave me a name of another LLMD that will treat with antibiotics and suggested I hear her out as well, and only charged me for half of an appointment. He seems very trustworthy, but is this even a real thing? It's costly, but not too bad.
If anyone has any information on this treatment I would appreciate it. I'm lost as to where to go next. Part of me doesn't even believe I really have lyme disease and that I really am just crazy, but I came back IGENEX positive so I don't know why I cant shake that thought.