Actually, Lyme is very much a part of MSIDS.
Yep! I'm still here!!
LOL! They just can't seem to get rid of me!! LOL!!
That's correct, I no longer produce the Hashi's antibodies, although when my adrenals decided to take a vacation without me, my thyroid freaked out and I'm hypo thyroid now - but there was a period of 2 years from the time I healed Lyme & Hashi's and had Zero thyroid symptoms. So I believe that while Lyme may have weakened things, I actually healed from Hashi's and then my adrenals took a dive and took my thyroid with it - and my doctor agrees. But I will also say that I had to go through STTM's "Good Doctors List" in order to find someone that actually knew more about
thyroid issues that I do!! I know what you mean about
actually "curing" Lyme. I don't believe that I will be cured to the point that I never have to worry about
it again, which is why I fight so hard to try to get and stay healthy and keep my stress levels down.
Yes, those thing would be helpful, but why not go on the full herbal protocol? Buhner's site is very helpful and we are getting more and more people using it in this community.