Posted 8/24/2015 12:03 PM (GMT -5)
After 6 months of bartonella abx, Dr P trialled Cowden along with rifampin (she discontinued biaxin). The herbs included only samento and banderol, none of the other Cowden herbs now used for bart were included. I'm not sure Cowden was even selling houttuynia at the time. Not knowing what I now know about herbs, I didn't question her suggestions.
This trial ended in an eventual relapse (after 3 months) and subsequent reinitiation of biaxin. Obviously samento/banderol were not as effective as biaxin had been in K's case.
We used BW's A-Bart pretty much all throughout abx treatment. It was very hard getting K to a sufficient dosage (20 drops 3x daily), because it caused huge herxing issues (shin and foot pain, headache, raging all within 20 minutes of dosing).
Eventually, however, we made it to that dose and remained there for 8 months. A-Bart was weaned when abx were weaned.
In order to properly get going with Buhner's protocol, I stayed away from A-Bart until we had the entire protocol going at what I felt to be a good, non-herxing dose (which was and still is 1/4 of his recommended dosages for adults - K is 13 years old and 110 lbs). At that point I tried reinitiating A-Bart which resulted in immediate and significant herxing yet again.
Obviously 8 months of A-Bart, along with multiple combo abx had not gotten K to the point where she was no longer herxing from 3 drops of A-Bart. I'm not sure if this was because Dr P didn't use any of the BW detox remedies - I have no explanation. I gave up on it because it seemed to do nothing but cause herx reactions.
Over the period of the next 8 months or so, K's remaining bartonella symptoms gradually started improving (from the 80% improvement we had gotten with abx). Something I hadn't seen with the extended use of abx. The addition of CSA, red root, cilantro and Diatomaceous earth cleared up the rest (well, along with mostly organic food and plenty of fermented vegetables to help support gut flora and thus immune response).
Because K herxed with a babesia herx when CSA was initiated (air hunger, chest pressure, sighing, dry cough, thigh pain - all symptoms she had never had before), Dr P then clinically diagnosed babesia-like-organism and gave me the option of treating with pharmaceuticals. I declined. I wanted to give Buhner a longer try and it has paid off wonderfully.
If you go to Buhner's facebook page he has a list of other herbalists trained in his protocols.
1) I no longer see clients for herbal consultations. I recommend the following people: Julie McIntyre in Silver City, New Mexico (;
2) Tommy Priester in Lincoln, MA (;
Gordon Medical Associates in Santa Rosa, CA ((707) 575-5180);
and Tim Scott in Brattleboro, VT (Toll free: 877.591.1874 In VT: 802.246.1090)
We used Japanese knotweed throughout abx treatment to reduce die-off induced inflammation and it seemed to work well. I could pull her out of increased neurological symptoms by doubling JK dosage for a day or so. At that point we were using both the WoodLandEssence tincture (1/4 tsp 3x daily) as well as 1stChineseHerbs powder in infusion (1/4 tsp 3x daily). Many children who suffer from autoimmune PANS/PANDAS symptoms find good results with anti-inflammatories. I chose JK over the suggested Motrin.
When I realized we would be weaning abx after 2 years, I initiated sida acuta to cover the discontinued pharmaceuticals as we weaned off. I then introduced the other herbs after weaning was finished.
If you are interested in K's protocol/symptom Excel charts that I recorded for Dr P throughout her treatment (and am still recording), please contact me through e-mail, I have temporarily enabled it.