Posted 8/28/2015 7:19 AM (GMT -5)
Eat anyway - you're gonna regret it, when your body's eaten up all your fat, then starts to go for the muscle. Working out when you're sick and screwed up ain't no fun, ain't easy, at least not for me. lol
As for moral support, I don't know. We're all going through similar stuff. Lots of pain, hardship. Struggle. That's life, sometimes, and a lot more often than not, for those of us dealing with these infections, and all the other little ailments that like to tag along with them.
People on the outside, trying to look in, they don't get it, not completely, even the ones that try. Most of the time, trying to reach 'um gets you nowhere, gives you nothing but an ache in the head, in the heart, reminds you of how bad your situation really is. Then, you got the ones that don't want to be reached, the ones that piss you off, make you wanna kill somebody. Better off just leaving them alone. Sure, it can be hard not to react, when they do, say something that hits you, makes you feel a certain type of way. It's hard not to react when they're wrong. You want to correct them. But, like I said before, some people don't want to be reached, whether they realize it or not. I've got people like that in my life. "Well, what's wrong? I care about you." I tell them. They don't get it. It's the same thing a week, a month down the line, I have to explain myself again. It's like they have amnesia, when it comes to my health. Even worse, they can be so two-faced about it, from believing that it's a real problem for me, to trying to make it seem like I'm not sick at all, or that I don't know what I'm talking about. It's so insulting. Then, the next day, they've got the nerve to smile in my face, acting like we're friends, like we're family, like they care, and got love for me. It hurts all the more.
But.. there are gonna people like that. That's how it goes, for the moment, living with Lyme and company. Hopefully, someday, things will change. For now, just gotta do what you can, live with it, or live without. If you can't tolerate trying to coexist with those people anymore, don't. If that means cutting them out of your life completely, if you can manage, do it. If not, then put up a wall, be a robot, give them the bare minimum, and let them know that they've crossed you, and that you don't want anything to do with them.
Strive to heal, prove them wrong, be a success. God willing, should that day come, and they try to eek their way back into your life, your heart, let them know what they did to you, let them know how they weren't there for you, truly there, at your worst, and that, because of that, you won't allow for them to be there for you at your worst.
Forgiveness can be a great thing, yeah. That's the way to go, but my outlook on it is that, to be forgiven, one's gotta want it, and, to want it, there has to be a genuine admission of wrongdoing. If these people don't know what they've done wrong, don't feel they've committed an injustice against you, how can they be forgiven. Do unto others, right?
Anyway, sorry, that little rant sort of became about me, my life. I've no doubt you could apply it to your life as well though, no doubt most of us could, at least in some small way.
But, yeah, just keep trying, seek treatment. I know it sucks, you've lost a lot, but.. you could lose a lot more, man. Give it 1000%, keep what health you've got left, and, yeah, try to get the rest back. Again, as hard as it may be to comprehend, accept, being in the situation, believe that it could get a lot worse, and will, if you don't do all you can.. NOW. Today, and every day.
I used to be in that same spot - "oh, I've lost this, that, and that, and I wish my life could be how it was, I wish I could be the old me." I mean, I'm still like that, sometimes. But, really, kinda just accepted that I'm not gonna be going back, or at least that it's not much of a real possibility, and that I just gotta work with what I've got and pray that I can get a little more. Just enough, you know?
100% would be nice, but I'd be a fool to be so optimistic, in my condition, mentally, physically, monetarily.
Just try. You already are, but.. keep doing it, you know? Abx, supplements, detox, all that good stuff.
I shared this in a post the other day. It's a quote from a post I saw on a site called reddit a couple weeks ago, in a subsection called GetMotivated. The guy's grandfather wrote it on card, sent it to him, when he was in rehab. I like it.
"Do the work - be the prize."
Anyway, sorry if I'm a mess. Good luck, buddy.