Antonio192X said...
That's how it goes with them docs, I'm afraid. I've been up, down, all over the place over it. A lot of us have. Sucks.
Options, as you might already be aware = see an LLMD, LLND, something like that, or try to get where you can on your own.
A possibility for at least some relief -> you could try and see if you can manage to find a GP that'll work with you as far as some of your symptoms go, do some testing unrelated to Lyme/co (liver, kidney function, if/when you get started on some abx long-term), etc. Got one now that'll pretty much do anything I ask of her, apart from test for Lyme/give me antibiotics. Not what I need, but, hey, it's a little something.
But, if it'd be too much stress for you to go through doctor after doctor, or it's not a possibility, oh well. It wouldn't make the situation that much worse.
And, yeah, it probably seems hopeless, I know the feeling, but try, try all your options. When you've run out, look for some more. When ya run out of those, well, I'll let you know, when I get there. On the same path, just a little further along.
Don't give up, right? Can't give up, not yet.
Believe me it feels hopeless right now but I'm not giving up