I would like to weigh in on this a bit as well. This is to neither agree or disagree with the article, only my view. There is a lot of great information in that article!!
My teeth have never been good for as far back as I can remember. I pretty much grew up seeing a dentist a ton. As things played out, without a diganosis of Lyme to help me understand what was happening to me, I ended up with my teeth cracking, breaking and splitting - not to mention cavities.
So by age 26, I had my first upper denture. Boy, was I self conscience! But it was so much better than all the poison I had in my body from rotting teeth!! I actually felt so much better that I began to wonder if that was all that I had been dealing with. Of course it wasn't, and the rest of my teeth continued to fall apart. I believe strongly that Lyme kept me from having strong enamel on my adult teeth, since I had Lyme before I had even lost my baby teeth.
Eventually (last year), I had gotten to the point where I had had dentures so long that I was loosing a lot of bone mass in my lower jaw. When there are no teeth to stimulate bone growth, it deteriorates and you lose the bone. I had gotten to the point that not one single dentist or oral surgeon would consider giving me a new denture because I simply didn't have enough bone, and the denture that I was using, of course, no longer fit well and was creating other issues. The good news (Ha!) was that I didn't need a bone transplant, only implants so that I could prevent further bone loss and end up with a broken jaw from just rolling over in bed and then surgery to place plates and screws and then more of the same, since nothing would be generating bone growth.
I barely found an oral surgeon I trusted to do titanium implants - which I see are spoken of in a bad light in this article. I had to take those things into consideration, but also that I had no other options available to me, so I took the plunge and got the titanium implants in my lower jaw - 3 of them - June 18, 2015.
For those that are unaware of what I've been dealing with the last 2 years, I have severe adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, brought on by much too much stress immediately after I healed from my infections (which is why I preach about
keeping stress low!!!). Although I have been in treatment for these things for the last 19 months, when I had the dental implants done, I took a really hard hit to my health - not because of the implants specifically, but because of the stress on my body from having that done. I still haven't gotten back to where I was before implant surgery.
Sorry for that rabbit hole! Anyway, I was on a liquid and super soft food only diet for the last 9 weeks - definitely not for the faint of heart!! But 2 out of the 3 implants have healed very well. We are waiting for another month to allow the last implant to heal more before I get my new denture that will attach to these implants - they don't want stress on the implant while it's healing. They did modify my old denture so I could use it, so I'm back to being able to (carefully) chew my food!!! Ohhh sweet food!! LOL!
My hope is that it will keep me from having any more bone loss. I didn't have the choice of metals, but I did it anyway.
I know Garden Peace well enough to know that she would almost certainly agree that sometimes you have to do what you have to do under these types of circumstances, so I hope she doesn't mind me posting this either, since I'm living this now.