Posted 9/2/2015 7:21 AM (GMT -5)
Where are you from? Just curious.
Also, last April, as in this past April, or April 2014?
I would say to try and treat however you can - herbal, or even antibiotics, somehow. There are some sites, which I've heard are reliable. Many here would probably advise against getting them online, as opposed to from an LLMD, though.
Shame, you're in a really tough spot there. Well, we all are, in some way, but.. yeah. Welcome to the club.
Anyway, sadly, to answer your question, no, I've no clue. I mean, there are sites like gofundme and all that, but, to be realistic, the only people that would have the minds, the hearts, to care enough about people dealing with Lyme and company would be those that have a true understanding of what it is, what it can do to a person, and, sadly, the majority of those people, at least in my opinion, are either sick themselves, or have family members, loved ones, that are sick.
So, to me, asking them for money's not really much of an option.
The average, everyday person doesn't see Lyme for what it is, they don't care, not truly, otherwise I feel like the whole country would be in a frenzy. If people could spend a day in our skin, or a week just to let it REALLY sink in, then maybe it'd get the recognition, and, ultimately, the response that it deserves.
Honestly, the way things are going, that's what it's gonna come to. Maybe not EVERYBODY getting infected, but.. whole lot of people.
So, yeah, to be in a position to where someone can just ask people to fund their treatment and be successful, that's gonna take the understanding of the masses, which isn't something that we've got at the moment.
Sorry, man. Life sucks, I know. I'm working a **** job, taxing my mind and body, probably making myself sicker in the process (I know my adrenals are loving it), and spending nearly everything I make on products that I don't know will do anything for me - could be snake oil, for all I know, just to TRY and get better. That's the type of crap we gotta do to try and survive.
Gotta play doctor, insurance company, AND patient.
I'll stop there.
Apologies, I keep making a lot of my responses about me, at least subliminally (kind of). Just take what you can from it. If nothing, oh well.
Maybe someone else will come along with some good news?
I'm sorry.