Posted 9/6/2015 3:42 AM (GMT -5)
I would like to ask everyone on the forum if the following is something they have heard of or experienced themselves.
Although I Tested positive on Borrelia LTT Elispot test, I wonder if I have another additional diseease that has nothing to do with lyme.I have only 3 symptoms : periodsof malaise or brainfog or nervousness .If the feeling of general unwellnes is present then the brainfog and nervousness is not there and vice versa.
The strange thing is that the symptoms are absent from 10 pm to 10am.
In other words everyday it starts in the morning and it dimnishes around 10 pm.
Has ANYONE had experience with symptos popping up around roughly the same tim of the then to disappear at another time in a punctial fashion?
I have doubts that these symptoms are lyme because last year I got amisulpride an atypical drug that is given off label against dysautonomia(= dysregulation autonomis nervous system) and my symptoms vanished but only for 3 months, afterwords it did not work anymore(I got tolerant to the drug)These symptoms are really hellas i amtotally incapacitated from10am to 10 pm
MY question: Has anyone lyme symptoms that appear at specific times only to disappear again at always the same time
Please help me