Posted 1/20/2015 11:58 PM (GMT -5)
So everyone was probably wondering about the cured twice protocol and if it worked? Well I am disappointed to say that I think I decided it doesn't work.
I went a full 51 days pulsing mino, clarithromycin, and Tinidazole every second day. And took the WCB. It should have done the trick by now.
I think it does hold the lyme off and probably does kill some germs as I did get a few herxed especially in the beginning. But I noticed some symptoms like the spinal aches, feeling in the neck, some tingling in the brain, then in the past few days I got an occasional haze feeling in my brain that has come and gone. These symptoms have been gradually been more consistent. Esspecially the tingling in my brain. Also I noticed the feeling in my shoulder again came back. For awhile I thought it was just the bart coming back but now it just seems more like the lyme. I'm not too sure what to do next, if it is the bart then a bart treatment should work.
Darn... Disappointing to say the least. Back to the drawing board I guess lol. I really believed this guy who cured his lyme twice and he insists it works. But as an aside I'm no where near as sick as I was before. Just noticed these lingering symptoms which have been gradually building. Some symptoms shouldn't be gradually getting worse like they are.
From now on I will just listen to what the doctor tells me to do rather than search for a cure. I'm probably back sliding and making my case more difficult to treat.
I think I am just going to do a challenge test on the symptoms with the Dr recommend high dose ceftin and paired with Biaxin. If I herx then clearly this protocol doesn't work. If I don't herx then it must be bart, but I'm pretty sure it's a little of both.