Posted 10/3/2015 12:29 PM (GMT -5)
I'd like to say I appreciate every person on this site, because I know...
if you are here, then you are in this nightmare suffering,
or love someone who is suffering in it.
I'd also like to state that I had NOT posted my experiences of late, until someone asked...
because even in my REAL LIFE life,
what I'm living is almost unreal AN a challenge for those around me to comprehend the 180...,
but I am healed and they are SEEING IT, so they can truly believe my experiences,
and the transition has been and is remaining amazing.,,, and the way I got here isn't 'normal.'
Because believe me, I know all of my personal life experiences sound pretty 'unreal,' because what I'm doing is not happening as often spoken/written about in the main stream of healing experiences....
I chose to NOT post updates over the past year for this very reason of what you are/have experienced, Sandunes, in reading about my life and how things are going in my life.... I agree with your response, after reading your postings/experiences.... what I am writing about could cause red flags... right?!,.... and this may have caused some very uncomfortable thoughts, emotions, memories in YOU that are different from my REAL experiences....
...please know my personal intentions, heart desires and way of living my life is for positive, unifying, truth of self for every person, etc. I'd suggest if you are interested in reading my postings in the dates posted from beginning to end, and maybe gain a clearer understanding of how I got to where I am today.... NEVER ever for challenging anyone to change their beliefs, what's right for them, what they need, not to change anyone else, and only for offering what I have lived, what has not worked for me, and finally, what has been and is continuing to work... for me, as just another example of what is happening, and this is me.
I choose to believe every posting listed in this post is for good, for helping the other, for making certain that people ask questions, find out what's really going on, and to NEVER TAKE ANYTHING for face value. That is EXACTLY my belief system, and I believe that is how every person posting feels, too. We ARE looking out for one another, as this is what we each need, and so often have not received because in our struggles we know through experience.... no one can help you nor understand unless they have, or are going through this horrible, debilitating illness, and the dehumanizing that goes along with it from those who can honestly have no idea of understanding. And because I know this truth, I appreciate your posts, Sandunes, and every other person's, too.
Stay true to yourself, and I have found, along with others willing to allow us our own Truth, we do much better in getting well. I hope that I have and continue to come across as I truly intend, to share from my authentic self, downtrodden, and uplifted, what has not worked for me, and what has.... because it is so important to be heard, and to hear with honor. I might be able to offer just one person a different possibility that could be what works for them. THAT is why I will always be honest even when it might sound too good to be true. I'm real, and so is all I've been through, and only hope to share my truth, something I found outside the box that works for me.... not one size fits all, but another option. :)
I honor each of you, and myself, and trust the best for all.
May we each heal perfectly, individually now.
That is my heart intention.
Hi, Trav.... :) believing you are excellent... thriving, and know and FEEL you are loved and appreciated!