Traveler said...
Can you afford to get just one bottle of Japanese Knotweed to start? You would have to build up on that dose for a bit before you could start another herb anyway.
And there are lots of very inexpensive detoxing routines that you can do as well.
Let us know what you decide. We might be able to help you with some more ideas!
This is an awesome idea. I hope you hear it.
As for the diet of vegan cleanse, I am on the fence post on this one. I am a totally organic good food person, but not giving up the protein that my body needs. I love giving my body good wild caught salmon for the omegas, and once a month I do a grass fed filet mignon. I think cheese has good protein in it too.
I also am not one to decide what is best for someone else. That is why we have freedom of choice.
For ME I will not stress my body with a huge change while it is trying to fight a disease. That is my thinking. My immune system is trying very hard to fight this bacteria and I am going to assist it. I will eat healthy. Rest when it says I'm tired and eat protein when it says a BLT sounds good.
I am not against your decision for you. Just remember you are trying hard to stay stress free while you heal and you are trying hard to assist that immune system. You do not want to shock it. Be gentle on you. You are sick and need to nurse yourself.
Totally said in a loving way and I hope I didn't sound too much like a bossy old lady.
As for the prayer. You got it! I prayed for help and found this forum. There is power in prayer and I am a believer. Yes, I know the Monkees said it first, then SmashMouth and now lil ole me.