Posted 10/7/2015 5:37 PM (GMT -5)
I've always had problems with chemicals, but it's gotten much worse since I caught Lyme over a year ago. I discovered that I'd already had Bartonella and a Mycoplasma for decades, but adding Lyme to the mix was not a good idea! I got really really sick, then got it pretty much under control, at least the physical symptoms are gone. But there have been many times when I couldn't think or talk properly. That was really scary.
Gradually I've figured out that my cognitive problems are usually from something I have eaten. It's not the food itself, it's the pesticides, as I can eat the same foods if organically grown. These are foods that I could eat conventionally grown 18 months ago.
And now comes the big question that prompted me to try joining some Lyme groups. What if there's something about Lyme itself, or one of the co-infections, that interferes with the usual liver detox routes that allow "ordinary" people to eat these chemicals??? What if other people with Lyme and cognitive problems avoid chemical toxins in their diet, will their brains start working right again?
Has anyone played with their diet and noticed if certain foods or chemicals mess with their mental faculties? For me, one of the most striking examples is bananas. I get migraines sometimes with visual aura, but I know from long experience that there's always some kind of pesticide exposure behind it. One day about 5 pm I ate half a banana. The whole evening my vision had that sort of weird spot in the middle, not quite the full blown effect, but enough to bother me. Next morning I ate the other half of the banana, and it happened again. So ever since I've bought only organic bananas, and they don't bother me.
For years I'd bought gluten free oats and pancake mix. Eventually I realized that the days I felt bad and couldn't think properly were days I'd eaten one of those products. By that time, nearly everything else I was eating was either organically grown or at least had no pesticides or chemicals added. Turns out organic oats don't bother me at all.
Another clue is that travelers to Europe discover their "gluten sensitivity" miraculously gone, at least till they return home to the USA. Turns out that ALL the bleaching agents (all 8 of them) used for pastry flour, for bread flour, and for pasta are banned in Europe. One of the most common symptoms of "Gluten sensitivity" is "brainfog". And I note that the "Lyme brainfog" I've had is pretty similar to my "gluten brainfog" and my "cows milk brainfog" and "pesticide exposure brainfog". I've found that cows milk doesn't give me brainfog if the cow is fed organically. It's starting to look like all the brainfog events, for me at least, turn out to be from chemicals.