CSFunk said...
NO she doesnāt have Lyme but that was suggested as a possible diagnosis at one point based on the similarity of symptoms. I would hope you as a moderator would want to help people get to the root cause of their health issues regardless of whether Lyme related or not?! You can read about it here in the link below. It is a real thing and presents with similar symptoms. She was diagnosed with drug induced lupus and vasculitis. After discontinuing minocycline (a know and proven cause) her symptoms went away after a short time.
I'm not sure why at all you felt the need to state it that way. I don't see anything that I posted that would have 'caused' you to say this: " I would hope you as a moderator would want to help people get to the root cause of their health issues regardless of whether Lyme related or not?! "
This is a Lyme disease forum, so it's safe to assume that those that are here are here because either they or someone in their circle of family and friends has Lyme as well. You mentioned your daughter, and I did assume she was the one with Lyme, and I stand corrected (rather harshly though, don't you think?)
Do you have Lyme disease then, or someone else in your circle of family or friends? As I stated, this is a Lyme forum, and we do expect that those that post here are doing so because Lyme is an issue in their lives somehow.
If not, there are lots of other forums that pertain to those that have other issues, and as for my desire to help others, whether they have Lyme or not, why would you even question that???? I've been helping people like this for over 10 years now.