I'm still feeling a bit stunned...
Yesterday was supposed to be a followup appointment because, last time I saw my LLMD, he was disturbed about
the herx symptoms I reported to him as I transitioned to Buhner's Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella protocols.
He had a hard time believing they were herxes and seemed to think my infection was worsening. I say "infection" in the singular because my ILADS-trained LLMD continued to insist I've only been dealing with Lyme....even after I reported the herxing on Buhner's recommended babesia herbs.
Still, he supported my experiment because I hadn't been able to shake the mild peripheral neuropathy symptoms I'd developed while on abx.
Well, I had good things to report to him yesterday. My PNS symptoms are somewhat improved. Of course, he was happy to hear this.
He seemed to finally accept that the herx symptoms I reported yesterday were indeed herxes....especially when I told him I had Lyme-like herxes on artemisinin (which he recognizes is for Babesia).
We discussed my research about
asymptomatic Babesia impeding healing from Lyme....and my herxing on Cowden's Enula that motivated me to trial Buhner's Babesia herbs. We discussed Dr. Horowitz's success with a wheelchair-bound patient after treating her for asymptomatic Babesia.
All the while, my LLMD is scratching his beard and seemed deep in thought.
And then he tells me "I don't think there's anything more I can do for you". I almost fell off my chair!!!
I told him I thought I was still infected because I still herx when increasing the doses of my herbs....and he told me there comes a time when the patient has to let their immune system take over. I began to feel a bit nervous
He then quizzed me on the functions of my various body systems (all doing well) and reviewed the monthly bloodwork done by my PCP (all good). He also asked me to provide a percentage of my recovery and he heard 95% which he thought was great. I was also hearing stuff like it's hard to know when treatment is done and there's "stuff left".
Then I heard he still doesn't think I'm a candidate for abx anymore (I heard that back in February) because my symptoms are so mild, it's clear my immune system is healthy and that I take care of myself.
We discussed what I might do moving forward and I mentioned that LLMD's seem to treat Babesia for 5 months (1 month past the life of a red blood cell). I told him I wasn't sure where I might stand with my Lyme and I didn't get much of a response - just a face lol
My LLMD told me to continue as I have been for another 5 months and evaluate things at that point. If I'm feeling good, he thinks I should continue for another month and then consider stopping treatment.
He said some people find that those final symptoms dissipate after they stop treatment.....others find that symptoms ramp back up and they "just" go back on abx. He let me know that he'd put me back on abx any time I wanted to but, emphasized that he really doesn't think I'm a candidate.
I'm to call him in two months to let him know how I'm doing...if I want to. Or, if I'm struggling, to come in and see him. I was basically nodding my head as I walked out the door. lol
Somehow, this seems like a scary place to be in right now.
However, my LLMD has supported me in all the decisions I've made for myself. He told me he trusted my judgement because I'm well-researched. He actually told me I should go to the ILADS conference next week lol (he and his wife (fellow Lymie) are going).
I guess this is good news. I still have to get used to it.
And, I obviously wanted to share.
As always, comments welcome