Posted 10/17/2015 11:19 PM (GMT -5)
Sweet pea, I was first infected with RMSF at the age of 7 (1970), Chronic Bartonella by age 8, and late stage Chronic Lyme by age 9. I lived in California at the time to boot, so no one had any clue what was wrong with me.
I was diagnosed by a well respected LLMD - Dr. Edwin Masters (RIP)- to have all of the tick-borne infections because of the number of symptoms I had, and how severe they were - but it got worse, at lot worse for me before I finally healed.
I finally found my way to a wonderful practitioner that was capable of using herbs, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and acupuncture. But first, she tried talking me into checking myself into the hospital because, in her words, you're seriously ill and need immediate help". I refused to go to the hospital for a number of reasons, so she relented. We did nothing but work to get my body detoxing and all body systems functioning again for the first 6 months.
I then spent the first 12 months treating Lyme, with the last 9 months of that time treating Bart as well.
Then we spent another year treating for Babesia, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichia and others. At that point in time my doctor had to quit her practice and move out of state to take care of her parents. I was pretty scared to stop treatments, but I had no choice, as I live in a very rural area, and there are only 2 other practitioners, but they don't have the expertise I needed. I checked with them.
I hadn't hardly finished treatments when my Father-in-law's health declined greatly from Alzheimer's, so we remodeled a bedroom, and moved him in. We only had 3 months with him, but it was intense, with my hubby and I taking turns sleeping, eating and watching over my FIL.
My brother kicked my Mom out - because when it rains it pours - so before we even had the funeral for my FIL, I had to find an apt for my Mom, and then the day my FIL passed, we had baby goats born, which for us meant 5 feedings a day for the first week, plus two milking every day. So my stress levels were very high, yet I didn't relapse.
What did happen was that my adrenals crashed, taking my thyroid with it. I was in treatment for that for 3 months when I got reinfected with Lyme. I used the same herbs that had healed me before and I am once again with out ongoing symptoms.
Most people want to know what symptoms I'm left with, and it's basically nerve damage which may still heal. Nerves can completely regrow in 7 years time, and I still hold out hope for more healing.
I'm saying all this to say that it's never to late to try, and I know I'm not the only one with a story that's amazing. We have had several other members while I've been a Mod have amazing stories, several amazing stories are in the making now, and I know there will be more to come.
I was never tested for the gene mutations, but if I had had the opportunity, I would have hoped I would have had it done. Instead of years of struggling trying to get back on top of all of those toxins, I might have been able to do it much quicker. Even after I realized I was reinfected, I decided to not spend the money since I already knew how to get my body to detox. I know see that decision wasn't in my best interest either, as I still need supplements to keep everything working well and staying healthy.
Always hold out hope for healing. Never discourage people from doing all they can to heal, as no matter who you are, if you've been sick for a while, it's going to be hard to heal.