Posted 10/15/2015 1:09 PM (GMT -5)
No, it's that it's officially hit your nervous system - which is bad enough. When Lyme attacks the nervous system, it damages the myelin sheath - the protective covering over the nerve itself. So messages from the brain to whatever part of the body is affected gets mixed up signals. You are trying to swallow, and your throat is trying to breath kind of thing.
While many of us have these issues with Neuro Lyme, not everyone has it in their throat and this could potentially be dangerous, as you could choke. So I encourage you to continue to look for answers to help as you go through treatments - as that's the only permanent fix for this.
The myelin sheath will regrow once the infections are taken care of. I've had a lot of improvements with my nervous system once I healed my infections.
You can try cutting your food into very small pieces, keeping water near you as you eat so you can take a small sip of water as needed, sticking to food that has a lot of moisture in it (not dry like a roasted meat, but like a stew or casserole), being sure to chew your food very, very thoroughly and other things like that.
I also had the narcolepsy, but it also resolved with treatments.
I hope that you can find some good "work arounds" for you as you go through treatments.