Hi Kyo-
My neuropathy started exactly as yours did. My left toe went numb, and then it spread like wild fire. Now it is mostly contained to my left foot, calf and arm/hand. I've had the whole gamut of MRIs and nerve tests to rule out MS and nerve damage and everything came back normal. Don't you love how the docs dismiss it as anxiety? I was handed many scripts throughout the process since they thought it was "all in my head."
I believe it has to do w/ circulation and "thick blood" and since treating w/ various herbs that naturally thin the blood along w/ acupuncture it has gotten much better. It still hasn't gone away 100%, and I believe it will be one of the last symptoms to go.
I'm looking to incorporate other supplements that oxygenate the blood as well. I know L- Arginine (Buhner's recommendation) is supposed to help synthesize nitric oxide in the blood, opening up the blood vessels to improve blood flow.
It is very scary so I share in the same fear that you have. Hopefully w/ treatment it will begin to resolve for you soon!