Posted 11/1/2015 7:56 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Leah,
I am the one who recently posted about the Carditis. These are the symptoms/changes I have experienced. occasional chest pain (dull achiness left chest and sharp stabbing pains in right upper chest) though they were never severe and I only noticed them in the last couple of weeks; shortness of breath with activity; extreme fatigue all the time; EKG changes specifically T wave inversion in all leads on a 12 lead EKG and ST changes during a cardiac stress test, though all my cardiac enzyme labs were normal and I had a normal cardiac angiogram; dizziness/feeling faint; frequent and progressively worse palpitations (PVC's and PAC's).
According to what I read only 4-10% of Lyme patients develop carditis, and 2/3 that do, are men (so I am an exception). Within 24 hours of starting Ceftin 500 mg twice a day I noticed a decrease in palpitations and slight increase in energy levels. I am not even a week into treatment with the Ceftin, so I have a long way to go.
I would expect that you would show some changes on your EKG if you were affected, but I am by no means an expert.