Posted 11/10/2015 5:44 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Nico2410, was bitten six years ago and again in october 2013 and have been through a number of doctors. Two are LLMD's here in Vermont. I have Lyme, babesia, bart and mycoplasma. I was diagnosed and started treatment last April where i was a walking zombie. I recently met someone who worked directly with Stephan Buehner on the natural protocols for Lyme and its confections. His name is Tim Scott at green dragon botanicals. His protocol cured his lyme (completely). I was impressed by his confidence and enthusiasm towards his treatment. Im 60 days in on his protocol, almost all of symptoms have disappeared. I was suffering from severe anemia...none of my other doctors caught it even after 25k in medical visits and blood tests. Overnight my weight came back, memory returned, vision is returning, and i can fricken sleep again. The heart palpitations have stopped finally. Im in tears writing this. its been such a long journey. I wish i would have found him first.