So it's been quite some time since I've posted here, while I have kept up with threads, I just haven't had much time to reply. So much going on.
Until October, I had been completely symptom free for about
8 months. And then the symptoms started slowly creeping up on me again, I think I knew in the back of my mind, but was in denial.
I talked to my PCP during my annual physical, and she thought maybe rheumatoid, so she drew some blood, and while my rheumatoid levels were ever so slightly elevated, there was no cause to diagnose me with RA. I called her back after another week or so and told her about
my extremely aching joints, sunburn sensation on my back, thighs and forearms, and she didn't hesitate to say Lyme, and prescribe Doxy over the phone, and order tests.
Lab results showed IgG reactive for bands 41 & 58, with nothing reactive on the IgM, so basically a negative results.
However, since being on Doxy, my symptoms have gotten worse, mixing words, heavy feeling on the right side of my face, constant burning headache, fatigue, increasingly worse joint paint, muscles burn and feel week.
I'm done with the 30 days of doxy as prescribed, and had set up an appointment with the ND that I used to see, only to find out my new insurance doesn't cover ND's. I know this is typical, I was very lucky the last go round.
Can someone please email me with some suggestions of LLMD's in CT?
Thank you!