I realize you are on a learning curve - that's why I'm saying something.
As long as you do what you can to follow the rules, and then follow them as we explain things, your good.
What makes a good doctor for one person, makes them a bad doctor for others. We all have preferences. I do have to admit that I'm not an "all seeing eye" - LOL! - and that I don't catch all offenses, but we do try to keep this as civil as possible here - and I am not accusing you of any of that, just explaining.
You have to understand that many people with chronic Lyme have been "taken for a ride" by too many doctors (myself included - although at least the docs that I had weren't calling themselves LLMD's) and by too many telling us that they have found the cure - which is why you were treated kind of harshly when you came here saying the same thing. I don't necessarily look for forgiveness for my actions, only understanding. I, and many others have been "burned" by those tactics.
The fact that you are here to help educate about
these therapies is a good thing though. As far as my posts, please see them as gentle reminders - no offense meant (believe me, you'd know it if it was otherwise! LOL!). There simply will remain those that will be skeptical. I was the second one on this forum to use herbs only to heal, boy did I get a lot of heat for it!! But, I understood that it was because others had been led astray, been given false promises and had their money take and time wasted, which meant more weeks, months, years spent in absolute misery.
As far as mentioning the American Academy of Ozonotherapies, that is a good thing, and thank you. You are not recommending a doctor, but a group that can help people find a doctor that is 'accredited'.
And, I never said you weren't being polite - that you have been.