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falling asleep like a narcoleptic
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Lyme Disease
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Regular Member
Joined : Feb 2014
Posts : 366
Posted 12/15/2015 3:16 PM (GMT -5)
So recently i just started getting these extreme waves of fatigue. Like i'm sitting at work typing then the next thing i know i'm waking up from a 2 minute nap.
Like they are just hitting out of nowhere. I've been sleeping really well, usually at least 8 hours a night. I don't know why this is happening.
Is this normal with Lyme or the co-infections?
Elite Member
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Posted 12/15/2015 3:25 PM (GMT -5)
I don't know about
it being 'normal' with Lyme, but I did have narcolepsy with my Lyme infection, two separate times of it. If I sat still for more than literally 5 minutes, I was sound asleep. My kids had to keep waking me up during meal times, sitting down to relax meant sleeping and I learned to just go lay on the bed rather than sit in a chair. Both times happened before I had started any treatments and it's never happened since, so it must have been resolved with treatment.
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Posted 12/15/2015 3:31 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for replying Traveler.
I haven't treated my lyme with anything, antibiotics or supplements, since last January. So almost a year. Most of the time i feel fine, but i have been VERY STRESSED out with relationship issues and moving issues so i'm wondering if that could play a role in it.
It's like, i'll be sitting at my desk thinking about
everything, getting more and more anxiety and then bam i'm out. lol
Elite Member
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Posted 12/15/2015 3:40 PM (GMT -5)
You stopped treatments because....? Were you feeling like you had healed?
There are documented cases of narcolepsy with Lyme, not just my personal experience.
Garden Peace
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Posted 12/15/2015 3:47 PM (GMT -5)
It might be worth having your adrenal glands and thyroid checked since you're under a lot of stress, just a guess. How do you feel when you wake up from these episodes? Is it apt to happen when you're driving? Whatever it is, I hope you can find out what the cause is soon. Keep us posted.
Something else I thought of, have you had blood sugar problems before? I have 2 family members that can pass out if they're blood sugar gets low, especially when they're under stress of some kind. The anticipation of having blood drawn can make them pass out.
Those are just what came to mind.
Regular Member
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Posted 12/15/2015 4:03 PM (GMT -5)
Well I moved to California so the nice weather here definitely helped. But i just got tired of it. 2 years of antibiotics and i plateaued after like a year and I never got better or worse. I'm at a place right now where my worst symptom is a couple muscle twitches every now and then. every few months something else will creep up for a day or 2 then go away. nothing major though.
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Posted 12/15/2015 4:06 PM (GMT -5)
Garden Peace,
It almost happens when i'm if i'm cruising along im good but i live in Southern California and sit in traffic for an hour every day on the way home and towards the end of the drive i will start to feel it creeping in. Then i just turn my music up loud or something to distract me.
It's more like when i'm not moving where it just hits out of nowhere. So if i'm sitting in traffic barely moving, it starts to happen.
I do have hypothyroid but barely and i haven't taken meds for that in about
a year either because my levels have been normal without it. The adrenals though, never thought about
. is there supplements i could take for that? I don't have a doctor out here, and definitely don't have a lyme doctor.
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Posted 12/15/2015 4:10 PM (GMT -5)
I would encourage you to find a good adrenal/thyroid doc as these can be very tricky things to treat. I used this site to find the one and only decent doc in my area:
And also be sure to get checked for seizures - just in case.
Garden Peace
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Posted 12/15/2015 4:27 PM (GMT -5)
That sounds so much like my dh. If he can occupy himself or move around when something is stressing him out a lot, then he won't pass out. He doesn't have Lyme disease. When we were first dating, he passed out when we went to see "Kramer verses Kramer". It was the part where the father was running to get his son to the hospital after he got injured at the playground. So my husband was putting himself in that scene in his mind (he gets very involved in movies). I read an explanation of it a long time ago, but don't recall what it was now since he has learned how to control the situation when it comes up. He's a pretty healthy guy other wise.
Veteran Member
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Posted 12/15/2015 10:17 PM (GMT -5)
I would get those "sleep attacks" in the past, it was terrible, my eyes would roll back as I was fighting it. I had to have jobs with "flex time" so I could drive away in my car to nap if needed.
Driving trips were dangerous at times, so I would pull over and have a 10 minute power nap, then was good.
It slowly got better as I treated my thyroid more, adrenals, and leaky gut, but I think my lime just improved a little on its own too about
5 years ago. I still get fatigued daily, but not like those "sleep attacks" from the past.
Best terst fro adrenals is a 24hr adrenal saliva test. Many brands of this home kit that you send in, from $150 to $250. Adrenals take long to heal, you can google adrenal herbs. Learn as much about
thyroid as possible, just "in range" is not adequate for most people. Upper part of FT3 and FT$ is best, cant just go by TSH. Google "Stop the thyroid madness" site.
Elite Member
Joined : May 2007
Posts : 36573
Posted 12/16/2015 12:27 PM (GMT -5)
Just chiming in to say YES!! Adrenals take a loooong time to heal - I'm in the midst of it now.
And the site that Astroman is referring to is linked to in my post above. It's a really good site - kinda like this one.
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