Posted 12/28/2015 1:10 PM (GMT -5)
I haven't used much antibiotics myself, pulsed any, or taken any cyst busters, at least not pharmaceutical ones, so I couldn't answer those even close to for certain, but I know a bit about herxing, so there's that.
Like you said, a lot of it depends on the person. I've heard of people having relatively quick reactions, myself included, and I've heard of people who had to be on a treatment for a period of days or even a couple weeks before they noticed any herxing.
New symptoms, as well as the reemergence of old ones that may have waned, and worsening of current ones.
The cyst buster should provoke some herxing, if the other antibiotics provoke the bacteria to go into their round body form.
So, yeah. Good luck to you and your.. son? I hope the stuff works.
I'm sure you already know about the importance of things like detoxing, general supplementation, etc.?