swede in LA said...
Will I herx on the Enula and Crypto whether I have Babs or not?? or only if I have a strain of it?
If you have a strain of Babs, you have Babs.
You stand a chance of herxing on Enula and Crypto if they are effective against whatever Babesia/Babesia-like infection you might have.
Whether you have a particular strain of Babs....or a Babesia-like infection, it makes sense to treat for Babesia if you herx on any herbs that are usually used to treat that particular infection.
That's exactly what LLMD's do with anti-malarials.
Oh, please, please, please....before you even consider adding an herb, please increase your detoxing and continue to increase it.
You need to tame your current herx and prepare your body for Babesia treatment.
Babesia parasites are larger than Lyme bacteria. This means bigger dead bug parts which means there is the potential for stronger herxes.
Maintaining an daily detoxing protocol that includes a variety of methods that support the body's various detoxification systems will help you immensely.
In fact, I hope you'll consider taking some of Buhner's recommended herbs for your specific symptoms. They really help.
If you've never treated for Babesia before, starting very low and going slow is really the only way to go.
This translates into starting 1 drop of one herb and holding for 4-7 days to make sure you can tolerate it before increasing. Wash, rinse, repeat until you've added all the herbs you're going to take.....and then slowly increase the doses of all the herbs.
There's more benefit to getting going on an entire protocol at low doses because the herbs act synergisticly with each other - they enhance the actions of each other. Yet another reason to go low and slow ;)
And, detox, detox, detox ;)
You may know that I transitioned to Buhner's Lyme, Bart and Babs protocols in August of last year. I got up to full doses of the Lyme herbs relatively quickly (I'd been treating that for almost a year by the time of the switch).
I only got up to full doses of the Babs and Bart herbs in mid-December....3 wks. ago
I went from the 90% I achieved on abx that was maintained for almost 6 months on the full Cowden protocol.....to 98%.
Low and slow obviously worked for me. I thank the members of this forum for teaching me that.