I had heard of Rife but it just seemed so far out there I never really bothered to look into it until I met someone that said using it had put them in remission and they offered to let me try their machine.
I think it's a lot easier for most people to accept the conventional idea that you need to take a physical molecule of something to kill the bacteria that's in your system.
Since getting a Spooky2 and herxing from it in exactly the same way as from the essential oils I was previously using (same duration of herx effects), I've started to look into other forms of energy medicine. It seems like it can also be used for healing as well as killing.
It turns out there is actually a lot of scientific evidence supporting some of the uses. PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies) are actually FDA approved for helping heal bones faster. Veterinarians use it to heal horses broken leg bones (good luck pinning that on placebo).
/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsed_electromagnetic_field_therapyNASA has done a bunch of studies that demonstrated that infrared light helped wounds heal faster.
"LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine."
Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on wound healing.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11776448I'm now convinced that energy medicine really is the future. It's just been somewhat ignored as it doesn't fit cleanly into the mainstream pharmaceutical/surgical medical model or the alternative naturopathic supplements/herbs/diet model.
The key with Rife/Spooky2 is to determine the killing frequencies that work for your set of infections and also the healing frequencies that help you as well. So it requires a bit of individual experimentation.
This is a pretty good thread on using Rife to treat Lyme: