Posted 1/13/2016 10:03 PM (GMT -5)
In the meantime of waiting for your infection treatment to work, there are steps to make your feet less painfull, as long as you have not sprained any of the many ligaments or 26 bones in your feet.
Hope your good at detective work and have strong hands.
Massage your feet, poking with your thumbs into a small area at a time, and seek out sore areas. Massage these areas, and increase pressure to see how you handle it. Do this to your calves also, front and back, these will have tight areas most likely. The calve muscles are connected to the foot muscles and tendons. 50% of foot pain is from tight lower legs. Try all of this then see what you feel like two days later. Not better or not sore from massage- then do this with more pressure. There is one main tendon from you heel under to the ball after the big toe, the plantar facitis. Pay attention to this. When your done with the above, rest foot arch on a frozen water bottle a few minutes. Do daily after your used to this.
When you feel comfortable on the pressure you can take, stand on a golf ball, increase weight on ball every other day.
Blood /tissue infections alter the chemistry in the atp process of muscle rebuilding, causing muscle knotting, which will halt nutrient flow, which gets you stuck in this evil circle of pain.
I have studied this for years, so these are facts, not simply my personal opinions. Try it and you will see some change, maybe no healing yet, but defiantly change for the better. Sometimes waiting for ABX/herbs to work just takes too long. May the pain get better!