Mister Mike said...
Trav - you ought to send that doctor a yearly Christmas card, just so he knows that you're still kicking and he was wrong ;)
I would if he was still in the area!! When I healed, that was the first thing I was going to do - WALK into his office and let him know just how wrong he was! I was even willing to pay for an office visit!! But he's moved to another state.
After abx use, and before I found the doctor that was willing to treat me for these infections, I had a doctor that was at least willing to treat my symptoms. He ordered brain MRI's and other things. I had a "significant" amount of brain lesions he said - I have it all on a CD (LOL!). He was a bit concerned with MS, but then said that I still don't quit fit in for MS - too many symptoms.
There is a lot of information online if you search for brain lesions, Lyme.
LymeyLyme - what is PEM?
Telling the difference between a Lyme flare and a herx reaction can be difficult - but if you dramatically increase your detoxing (or even stop treatments for a very short time) you should notice a drop in symptoms or symptom severity if it's a herx.