Posted 1/30/2016 10:04 AM (GMT -5)
No herx here , only beginning. Arythmias have given two heart attacks 25 years from vegal nerve being unstable, from lyme 1989 meningitis. 2012,2015 all meng. form.
That flagyl med and biaxin cause arythmias immediately. I didn't know there are warnings from company, if you have nerve issues, not to take flagyl.
Can't do detox either, too sensitive of nervous system.all other abx are fine . I only took one pill, 250 mg reaction 2 hours later. Some people on line can't walk after flagyl, from nervous system little girl went blind and paralysis. Recovered. I hadn't read that before use. I'm trying to healing my nervous system, so definite contradiction. Doctors don't know this stuff all the time. Some people taking doxy with flagyl, which cancel out each other, all tetracyclines. Research clear.
Maybe a binding regime. Natural. Like Georgia recommends. To silly sheep, returned to contraceptives, celebrex as needed, works great. Hormones alone helped greatly. Then celebrex later. Then abx and they kept the good days steady. I know from exper. When abx are stopped you hold your breath, even after long time, pulsing or steady.
Clindamycin, augmentin,sulfa. Works completely, but, can switch to macalides (zithromax) and doxy, at plateau.
Still occasional air hunger, lower bp on standing, overactive vegal still a little irritated .no vasoconstriction s or bp hr attacks . Huge difference ,in past decades only had to avoid caffeine , take beta blocker. After last fall channel locker too.. One day in Er , never went away even for an hour. Months of agony. Until lyme was targeted once again. Didnt think of heart and lungs o effected. Always think joints only.
They need a new gentle medicine for chronic lyme patients.
So little is available that is reliable. No protocol like my friends in Europe. I'm looking at thermal therapy,(Germany) when my nervous system can take the high heat all over! Right now I can't put on a warm robe. Or carry warm laundry next to me. Or bp and hr soars. Though baths ok, weird, arms stay cool in bath maybe.
I'm ready for spring. I'm spraying my whole acre with the strongest everything that orkin can sell, just not in my gardens.
I doubt ill go pick raspberry s in the woods either . Even blueberry bushes have tall grass where I go. I think ill turn into an acrophobia like a friend, who never goes outside. My horse Probably has ticks too, but he gets a vaccine. He's at stable not on property.
Too bad you can only get immune to one strain ( maybe) . I won't bring firewood inside either. Leave on porch, let husband fetch. He must not get lyme, he's outside . The local log guys must get ticks all the time. Our area is very high for lyme. Nw Il.