Posted 2/2/2016 11:52 PM (GMT -5)
I started getting sick in August of 2015. It started with all over body pain, fever, chills and severe lower back pain. These symptoms got a little better but then the pain moved to my left knee. Two weeks after that I developed severe pain and weakness from my hips on down to my feet. I could barely walk. Shortly after that I started having mental confusion, dizzyness, and memory loss. I had an mri of my head that showed white lesions but not ms, an mri of my neck, upper back, lower back, and middle back that showed arthritis and bulging disks. My knee xray was ok. Blood tests were ok. I met with a neurologist and a cardiologist but those tests were ok. My heart rate and blood pressure are much lower than normal. I went to an alternative medicine doctor who diagnosed my with lyme disease using an igenex test. I was on antibiotics for a little more than 5 weeks. While on the medicine I could not walk without help or work in my office because my brain wouldn't work. Sorry for the long story.