Hi folks!
Those who know my story are aware of the fact that my LLMD had me go off abx in February of last year since I was 90% healed and he was concerned about
my gut microbiome.
I was told to go on one of 3 herbal protocols (Buhner, Cowden or White) and I chose Cowden for simplicity. I followed the full Cowden protocol for almost 6 months with herxing but no improvements.
Due to some herxing on Cowden's coinfection-specific herbs, I'd begun to wonder if I was dealing with Babesia/Babesia-like infection as well as Bartonella/Bartonella-like infection.
I'd learned enough about
asymptomatic infections to know that, left untreated, they can impede healing from the other infection(s).
Since Cowden doesn't have a published coinfection protocol and my LLMD knows nothing about
herbs, I started transitioning to Buhner's Lyme, Babs and Bart protocols in August.
Getting up to full doses of the Lyme protocol wasn't too difficult. However, titrating the doses of the Bart and Babs herbs especially proved to be a bit of a challenge due to herxing.
I was up to only 8 drops each of the Babs/Bart herbs by early December. Moving forward from there, the herxing suddenly eased and I was able to titrate up to the full 1/4 tsp or 1/2 tsp doses by mid-December.
You may recall me posting about
the fact that I was finally experiencing those elusive improvements and got up to 98%.
Well, my healing stalled again.
My thyroid crashed in mid-December. Despite getting labs done every 4 wks. along with needed dose adjustments, my Free T4 level dropped to the lowest it's been in years. I got a T4 dose increase but never felt better.
New Year's Eve was overshadowed by my almost 88 y/o mother developing pneumonia....and then there was a cascade of events in January that meant 3 hospitalizations for her. Not surprisingly, the hospital dropped the ball every time she was discharged and I spent a LOT of time on the phone straightening things out. Plus, my mother's dementia worsened and she'd lost the will to live at two different points. Last month was tough.
Throw in the fact that January's thyroid labs showed my Free T3 level had crashed (that's why I never felt better) and my healing had pretty much stalled. I got a T3 dose increase and my energy started to return. Still, my strength and stamina just never got back to where it should and this month's labs explained why: my Free T4 level still needed a bit of help.
I just started a small T4 dose increase on the 9th of this month.....which was preceded by me starting Andrographis on the 5th.
I can't say specifically why I held off on starting Andrographis until now. Maybe because I'd been treating Lyme in some shape or form for so long and I was curious to see what might be "left"? I've always been quite mindful of when I start a new herb - I never wanted herxing to impact my time with my grandchildren and I certainly wouldn't start one during times of stress.
Well, I herxed a little when I started 5 drops Andrographis. I had a slight increase in my mild muscle twitches....and I'd have instances of numbness on the lower left side of my face or mouth (I started this whole mess with Bells Palsy(very mild).
I was able to increase the Andrographis tincture rather quickly, switch over to Buhner's recommended caps and get up to the recommended 2 caps 3x daily this past Tuesday. I could have increased sooner but, again, I opt to start a new herb/increase when life is calm.
Guess what? No herxing - just improvement!!!
My face has been "behaving" (no symptoms) and my muscle twitches (which feel like super light taps internally) have become MUCH less frequent.
I'm not worried about
jinxing myself by sharing because the chronology of events with Andrographis is how it's been with all of the various Buhner herbs I'm taking. Herxing happens when I first start an herb....and then it's followed by small improvements.
I think I'm nearing the end of treatment (hallelujah)but I expect it to still take awhile. I envision those final bugs hiding in the deepest places and I need to wait for them to come out to reproduce. I also envision my body having become a hostile environment for them due to me taking stuff like L-arginine as well as extensive immune support stuff.
I'm going to win this battle!! It's been long and it's been convoluted but I'm getting there and that's all that matters to me at this point.
Thanks to all of you for your support and generous sharing of information. I wouldn't be where I am today without it.