Posted 2/26/2016 4:59 PM (GMT -5)
I have been having a multitude of symptoms - I had a mark (not the typical bulls eye but red and ring around it and solid color in the middle). My husband immediately thought it was Lyme but I thought it was just a spider bite. These are the symptoms I had a few weeks,after- flu like with fatigue and aches and pain, fingertips and toes ice cold, blurred vision, leg jerks, random places swelling on my body, dry eyes, dry mouth, tongue feels to big for my mouth at times, chest pains, legs hurt all the time, joint pain, fingers swell, stiff joints, loss of balance, muscle weakness, swollen glands that hurt, sharp pains, white places in mouth, short term memory loss, brain fog, forgetting passwords, mumbled words or transposing letters, concentration problems, spacey, stomach pains, low libido, anxiety, super sensitive to certain smelks, sounds, to tired to drive at times, lower back pains, take naps and still don't feel rested, depeessed, acid indigestion, eyes hurt, hoarse voice, soft tissue pain, plus just being frustrated and crying because I have been to so many doctors and no one can help me. My husband sent me a picture of a mark almost identical to mine and it said Lyme disease. He said you have this. I am desperate. I am an operations,manager and at times I wonder if all of this is going to cost me my job. I can't remember so many things that i,used to do daily or know how to do and have done for years.
I truly believe this is Lyme and am desperate for help.
Any and all guidance and advice would be appreciated.